
School of Business 学生的成功

The School of Business prepares students for professional lives in business and related fields. We accomplish this with rigorous coursework complemented by practical assignments, opportunities for practical experience outside the classroom, 和一个可访问的, academically and professionally qualified faculty.

School faculty members focus on several measures of student progress and success by evaluating program measures such as retention and adjusted graduation rates as illustrated below.

Mount Union students typically declare a 主要 in their sophomore year. 如下表所示, the retention between freshman and sophomore years is the institutional number and percentage, including all undergraduates. The retention between the sophomore to junior year and junior to senior year is the department number and percentage, representing only 主要s in the department. 

First to second-year retention rates are for all UMU students in the cohort (first-year, 全日制学生) second to third and third to fourth-year retention rates are for students that had a declared a business 主要 by the end of the fall semester of their second year   

队列入学年 2016年秋季 2017年秋季 2018年秋季 2019年秋季 2020年秋季 2021年秋季 2022年秋季
大学队列(n) 642 539 625 555 550 491 550
第二秋季入学(n) 483 413 450 422 394 408
First to second-year retention in University 75.2% 76.6% 72.0% 76.0% 71.6% 83.1%
Unduplicated School of Business students in fall of year two (n) 71 76 92 66 62
Unduplicated business students in fall of year three (n) 53 57 67 50 80
Second to third-year retention within business 80.3% 82.6% 88.2% 86.2% 88.9%
Unduplicated School of Business students in fall of year three (n) 63 64 82 63
Second to third-year retention within business 88.7% 84.2% 89.1% 95.5%