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Study Abroad Process

在联合山留学是一个很好的机会,可以扩大你的视野,与不同文化的人交流. 下面列出的计划阶段将帮助你获得最好的留学经历. 我们建议你至少在你计划出国留学的学期前一年开始这个过程. 全球教育中心在这里帮助你一路走来,确保你有一个安全和充实的留学经历. If you're considering studying abroad, 一定要参加出国留学信息会,并预约与全球教育中心的工作人员见面,了解留学过程和你可能遇到的任何问题.

Getting Started

Students in front of Eiffel Tower
Meet with CGE staff to discuss study abroad opportunities

与全球教育中心的工作人员会面,了解您可以获得的各种出国留学机会.  Contact Jennifer Hall, Director of Global Education or Dawn Adams, Director of International Student Services at

Talk to your advisor about study abroad options

出国留学是提高你在任何领域的教育水平的绝佳机会. 尽早和你的学术顾问谈谈,把它纳入你的学术计划.

Complete UMU study abroad application

Complete the Mount Union study abroad application before the deadline to ensure your eligibility.

Apply to study abroad program by deadline

确保你申请了具体的USAC或直接交换项目 you are interested in.

Apply for or renew your passport

If you don't have a passport, make sure you go through the steps to obtain one. 如果你有,确保它是最新的,如果你需要续借. 

Research visa requirements for host country

Research visa requirements, along with any other information you might need to know, for the country to which you will be traveling. 


如果你不是来自美国,但要出国旅行,请确保你的护照 visa 在你出国之前,其他的旅行证件也都办好了. 

Important Next Steps

Three students in front of statue in Lyon France
Discuss financial aid options

Talk with the proper people (your family, CGE directors, 和留学项目主管们讨论经济援助的选择. There are scholarships, grants, and other funding opportunities available for students wishing to study abroad.

Register with US Department of State’s free STEP program

Register with the US Department of State's STEP program 被告知你将前往的国家的任何安全信息. 

State Department 

Talk with your physician

确保你去看医生,接种所有适当的疫苗,并讨论你在国外需要的任何药物/处方. For more information about health abroad, visit Center for Disease Control or World Health Organization.

Plan a budget

Studying abroad is full of fun and exciting opportunities; be sure to budget wisely.

Currency Exchange Rates 

Documentation and Travel Arrangements

Two students in front of Notre Dame
Complete all required study abroad documentation




申请签证(如果适用),并确保了解东道国签证申请的时间框架 and application deadlines.

Apply for a visa 如果你需要的话,一定要在截止日期前申请. 

Final Steps

Students on bridge in front of Japanese castle
Attend pre-departure orientation

Contact Jennifer Hall, Director of Global Education or Dawn Adams, Director of International Student Services at for pre-departure orientation information. 

Talk to credit card provider


Research cultural practices/norms of host country

研究一下你要去的国家的文化习俗. Doing so will make your transition smoother.

Explore how you will keep in touch with friends and family

与家乡的朋友和家人保持联系很重要. Because every country is different, 确保你研究了你将如何访问互联网和手机服务,以及哪些应用程序在你的东道国是可行的.


准备一个文件夹,包含所有重要的文件,无论你去哪里旅行都要随身携带, including your passport and visa.


Double check all your travel arrangements, 包括你往返机场的交通以及你的航班号和时间. 预留额外的时间,提前到达机场,特别是国际航班.

Pack clothes appropriate for host country weather/season

根据你要去的国家的天气准备行李. Do not overpack; remember, you can always buy things when you get to your host country if need be. 


确保你随身携带的包里有医生开的处方. Different countries have different laws for presciptions, 所以,如果有必要的话,做好调查并准备好出示你的医疗文件.


至少在出发前两小时到达机场,也可能更早,具体取决于机场. 为交通、安全、吃饭和任何可能出现的打嗝留出额外的时间.


一旦你到达你的东道国,通知你的家人和Jennifer Hall, Director of Global Education or Dawn Adams, Director of International Student Services at of your safe arrival.